Weight loss tracker

Monday 21 March 2011

A little about me & why I am completing this diet (21/3/11)

I've always had an issue with food. I don't think for the past 3 years I've eaten a 'normal' balanced three meals a day.

I went through stages of heavily restricting my daily calorie allowence (to 400 a day) and lost 4 stone in a short period. During this time I was using laxatives and making myself sick daily.
My parents forced me to the doctor and I was put on 'Prozac' and made to see a speacialist but wasn't hospitalised. At this point I was eating normally (i.e not restricting) but making myself sick up to 10 times a day.

Gradually I started to put on weight, a lot of weight, and I am now practically binging 3 meals a day and making myself sick after it.

I would say I was 'ED-NOS' aka 'Eating Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified'. I'm either restricting, purging or binging. But I have still gained weight!!! I was in hospital due to my lungs collapsing (not related to the ED) and given a high dose of steriods for weeks which also didn't help!

So I write this now on Monday 21st March 2011 at 12st 4lbs and my height is 5'4. I am disgustingly obsese and I hate myself. I NEED some strict rules enforcing on my eating pattern, not only to lose weight but to gain back some 'control' (i.e not binge) I did attempt the Weight Watchers diet but felt that eating 1500 calories a day was binging...which then made me binge even more. I won't even go into what I eat in a day and then purge, it's just sickening.

It seems the only way I can stick to a 'diet' is if the rules are strict, like the ABC diet. Basically you stick to a calorie restriction for 50 days and the daily amount of calories vary from 0-800. For example on day 1 you eat 500 calories, day 2 200 calories, day 3 nothing...etc. It supposedly tricks your body's metabolism out of starvation mode and speeds up weight loss. I don't know how true this is but I like the way it's 50 days (so there's a finish line/goal) and also the calories change daily so there's a variety in what you can eat each day. Little daily targets will keep me motivated and once I've completed each day I'll get that feeling of being in control back....and hopefully lose a lot of weight.

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