Weight loss tracker

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Day 4 : 23/03/2011 : 400 calories

Thought I'd post early on as I'm bored and then update this tonight with my progress for the day!

So today is a 400 calorie day and I've pre planned my meals:

Breakfast - Low fat strawberry yoghurt (100 calories)
Lunch - Cigarette! Ha, I only smoke when I'm restricting
Tea - Turkey breast (<100 calories) & 450g of assorted veg (177 calories) for the whole pack but I'll probably only eat 1/2-3/4.
I've had 2 cans of Spite zero (12 cals) as well so I'll drink water for the rest of the day and I've also had chewing gum. So my total for the day is <389 calories :D

I didn't eat much of the turkey or the veg so I think I've stayed way under the 400 calorie target!! Yeyeyey!!

p.s Just ranting right now but I don't get why my sister's boyfriend has to fucking wash up as soon as I go to bed!!! (my bedroom is downstairs!) Making loads of fucking noise. We all watched a film and he sat there playing on Facebook & on his phone why the fuck couldn't he have washed up & made his packed lunch then??? Fat fuck making food to get fatter.....I don't know if it's because I'm tired or what but I'm actually really mad :/


My friend Holly has just asked me to go to the park and kickbox with her too soooo even better!!!
Once you get into it the ABC diet isn't so bad and I've rarely felt hungry or even wanted high calorie food, I know I'm only on day 4 but I actually believe I can do this for the whole 50 days. The only thing that bothers me is the people around me offereing me things, cooking for me or lecturing me to eat, so I can see why some people break their diet because of this.

I am 24 so I can't be told what to do by my parents etc and I live with my sister so it's not so bad. My sister does keep trying to feed me but I just keep saying no and she backs off and then helps me choose the next days food (like yesterday & today) my mum asked me what diet I'm on (as my sister had blabbed!!) but I just said I was calorie restrciting but eating so much lean meat and veggies that I can still have a lot to eat without the calories.

I can't wait to weigh myself in 3 days!!! I am already feeling slimmer, my tummy isn't flat yet but doesn't look as round any more! I've always had a smaller tummy than my thighs/bum and my hip bones have always been prominant even without a concave/flat stomach so I'm looking forward to them coming back again :D

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